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Writer's picturereachforthebigblue

My First Post Ever + Site Guidelines

Hi everyone!

This is my first post ever to this newly designed blog. I am very new to this whole "blogging" process, but I was encouraged by my school administration to give it a shot and get out there into the digital age.

So, here we go.

Like I always tell my students: when approaching any assignment or project, you need to have a clear picture of your goal.

In my case, my goal is: to create and maintain a blog that strives to discuss and promote best teaching practices with a special emphasis on the unique hurdles faced within the confines of Special Education.

Let me start with my credentials. I teach in a middle school. I am primarily positioned in Language Arts, but I've also had the opportunity to dabble in Science this year. While I have worked in ICS and ICR settings, my "home base" is definitely a supplementary Resource Room setting.

I am by no means a veteran teacher. I have immense respect for those with the benefit of experience and hound them relentlessly for words of wisdom. I consider myself a lifelong learner.

Now that you know a little about me, let's lay down some guidelines.

1. Each month, I will endeavor to create at least 1 new post that targets a "hurdle" that I feel teachers in Special Education (and beyond) have to contend with. These "hurdles" can be as broad or as specific as I like.

2. If you have a specific question or topic idea for a blog post, please send me an email at If I like the topic (and feel I can weigh in on it), I might use it as the basis for a future blog post.

3. As this is an education blog, I expect any and all contact through this site to remain professional. If you wouldn't (or shouldn't) be able to say it in your classroom, I don't want to hear it here.

4. Also, please forgive my semi-informal writing style at points. I feel that the format for this blog benefits from sounding more like a conversation rather than an analytical essay. Just a heads up for all the grammar purists out there.

5. This last one really isn't a point on how the site will work so much as a shameless plug: follow me at @toadalteacher on Twitter. If you see a picture of a cute, little Toad, that's me.

That's all I can think of at the moment. I may revisit this post and update it with more information as I add more to this site, but for now: Welcome! I hope you find something of value in what's written here.

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